About us
We are here to keep the conversation, that starts each time a person gets diagnosed with ovarian cancer, going.
Why wasn't it diagnosed sooner? Why is the research into developing an accurate early detection test underfunded?
We are the families of the heroic women that have been diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer. Whether their battle was won or lost, they are our heroes.
Why do we hate teal?
An estimated 3,100 Canadian women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2021. Sadly, we are nearing 2024, and the stats are essentially the same.
An estimated 1,950 will die from it.
It is the 5th most common cause of cancer death OVERALL
7 in 10, or of those diagnosed will die within 5 years
80% of cases are diagnosed at LATE STAGE (3 OR 4)
Ovarian cancer is the least funded of all cancers
There is NO early screening test
Anyone born with ovaries is at risk
The symptoms often go unrecognized
They call Ovarian Cancer a silent killer, but it isn't. It's whispers to you, it mimics common, non lethal health issues, and is often ignored and/or misdiagnosed until it's too late. We feel that change is long overdue. Funding research will have a global impact.
We need to know our bodies, and what is normal to each of us. We need to be our own advocate for our own health and well being, and for those that cannot advocate for themselves. Ovarian cancer isn't pretty, is a brutal battle that far too many don't survive. For those that survive treatment, there is the constant fear of recurrence.
There is nothing pretty about cancer, and the emotional and physical trauma that is causes. Teal is the recognized colour of ovarian cancer and PTSD, and we won't attempt to pretty it up. So, until this changes, we will hate teal.

